• 28 JANUARY, 2020
Mary Looking Forward For the Birth of a Blessed Child

Mary lived in Nazareth where she spend her childhood to adulthood. She grew up to be a beautiful, mature and sensible girl. When she reached her adolescence, Mary’s betrothal was announced to Joseph. At that moment, she heard unexpected startling news from the angel that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit, and bear the son of God. Mary received a vision

The vision stated, “Mary I come to tell you that you have found favor with God and are a very blessed woman. God has been with you from the time you were conceived. And now, Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son. You must name him Jesus. He is going to be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.”

The shocking news came as a deadly blow to her parents, they felt perplexed and sensed the risk to their family, wedding plans, and reputation in the community. Mary’s communal silence strengthen her faith and helped her parents to trust God’s commands. Mary feared if this improbable pregnancy news overspread in the community, people would accuse her of being unchaste. It will cause dishonor and bring disgrace to her family.

Mary's conversation with the angel confirmed her virginity and chastity. After Annunciation, the Blessed Virgin Mary focused on God’s blessing in her life. She praised God and stayed faithful to God throughout her life. As Mary spoke to Elizabeth,“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior. His mercy reaches from age to age for those who fear Him. He has shown the power of His arm, and has routed the proud of heart.”

As her childbirth approached, Mary grew in her unquestioning faith in God. She knew that with God’s help, she will gain the courage to face all ordeals. She became more confident to take on big responsibilities as a sincere and faithful wife and mother of a holy child. The scriptures revealed that Mary was obedient to the Lord even though the future frightened her. Being a staunch faithful believer, Mary knew that the angel’s message was clear and she believed that all things are possible with God. Consequently, her deep trust in God instigated her belief in the goodness of God and His commands.

Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem to fulfill the order from the Roman emperor. Mary during the expectant mother had to travel on a donkey. Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem and found that all inns were full. Since her childbirth was due at any moment, Joseph stayed in the owner's stable. Like all women who go through childbirth pain, Mary did not face severe childbirth pain. When she felt contractions, she drove her unto the trunk of a palm tree. Biblical scriptures relate that Mary delivered Jesus in Bethlehem. The angel communicated the good news of the birth of the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Mary glorified God through her whole-hearted worship and prayers that brought her close to God, allowing her to remain submissive to god’s commands. Throughout her life, she exhibited her full faith and confidence in God, as God entrusted her with this great task. Old Testament states,“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45.

Hence, wholehearted worship kept Mary compliant and provided her spiritual nourishment that made childbirth natural and painless. She courageously lived out her life, fulfilling her role as an affectionate loving wife, and mother.

About The Book

To further know about Mary’s life and unusual events that happened during her adulthood, read the religious narrative fiction I Am Only Mary by Thomas W. Atzberger. The book makes Mary accessible to us as a fellow Christian, emphasizing her humanity and her virtuous living of the call God gave to her.

The book is organized to give the readers the flavor of Mary’s probable life, it explains the Jewish culture, and people developed interpersonal relationships with politeness and care for each other.

The mid part of the book deals with unusual events that took place when Mary reached her adolescence. Her betrothal with Joseph was planned when she received a vision from The Holy Spirit that Mary, being a blessed woman will conceive and bear a holy child. The story then proceeded with Mary’s visit to Elizabeth who was also expecting a child in old age. The readers learn how Jewish families celebrate the birth of a newborn child.

The end of the book aroused deep emotions in readers when Mary departed after spending her best time with Elizabeth. Mary felt more confident and strong to execute the big responsibilities ahead. She courageously lived out her life, fulfilling her role as a caring and loving wife, and, ultimately, looking forward to the birth of her child

This book is a must-read. I Am Only Mary is available on different online platforms. Anyone who has a deep interest in knowing the life of Mary can read the book. The probable details of Mary’s journey have been uniquely depicted in this historical fiction. Since the history and biography about Mary are hardly available, reading this prose meditation brings us close to her.

About the Author

Thomas Atzberger is a retired lawyer from Columbus, Ohio, and has been married to his wife Christina since 1970, with three adult children. Tom is an attorney by training and is a supervisor of stockbrokers. His inspiration for this work came from his life experience as a husband, father, uncle, neighbor, and relative of many in his extended family. His earnest feelings are that we should follow virtuous living like Mary and practice religious acts that work out our salvation. Thomas Atzberger aims to make Mary’s biography more interesting and motivating for the readers.